Introduction to Head Shapes & Ear sizes
Some of you will have noticed how some babyz have different shaped heads and ears, though some of you may not care! For those of you who, like me, are fussy about the head shapes of their babyz this is a tutorial will teach you how to determine/change which head shape your baby has!
There are nine different head shapes for babyz, some have big foreheads, others have holey ears etc. I would suggest modifying head shape in the baby file rather than the rez file as I think its simpler.For this you will need LNZ Pro.
Different Head Shapes/Ear Sizes
1: Small head – small ears
2: Small head – medium ears
3. Small head – big ears
4: Medium head – small ears
5: Medium head – medium ears
6: Medium head – big ears
7. Big head – small ears
8: Big head – medium ears
8: Big head – big ears
How to Change Babyz Head Shapes/Ear Sizes
Firstly open your babyz file in LNZ pro, and the first bit of the file you should see headings such as [Force To Female] and [Force To Male], you may even have [No Texture Rotate]. You need to add another heading, I tend to put it underneath [Force To Male], and call it [Ball Size Override].
You will add the following codes, depending on what size head/ears you want:
;small head
63 -20
;medium head
63 -15
;big head
63 -10
;small ears
16 0
17 0
18 0
19 0
20 0
21 0
22 0
23 0
24 0
25 0
26 0
27 0
28 0
29 0
;medium ears
16 5
17 5
18 5
19 5
20 5
21 5
22 5
23 5
24 5
25 5
26 5
27 5
28 5
29 5
;big ears
16 8
17 8
18 8
19 8
20 8
21 8
22 8
23 8
24 8
25 8
26 8
27 8
28 8
29 8
So if you wanted a medium head and medium ears (#5 on the banner) you would have:
[Ball Size Override]
;medium head
63 -15
;medium ears
16 5
17 5
18 5
19 5
20 5
21 5
22 5
23 5
24 5
25 5
26 5
27 5
28 5
29 5
Make sure that you do not have [Ball Size Override] twice as the second set will be ignored!
Do not edit a baby that you did not hex without getting the hexer’s permission first!